Our lodging facilities

Discover the charm of our accommodations, offering cozy retreats for a night's stay. Nestled across the picturesque landscapes of Southern Bolivia, our various locations provide not just a place to rest, but a unique experience. Guests enjoy exclusive benefits, immersing themselves in the heart of these distinct locales. From the comfort of our accommodations to the perks of their surroundings, your stay with us is more than just a night; it's an invitation to embrace the beauty and hospitality of the Southern Bolivian landscape.

Our Facilities

Avenida Pedro Arraya

478, 0001 Tupiza, Bolívia

Calle Ingavi 463,

Tarija 463, Tarija, Bolívia

Hostal Valle Hermoso, Tupiza

Tierra Nuestra, Tarija

Looking for a place to stay?

Cozy retreats await, your Bolivian adventure begins here.